Active Mine Site Surplus Water Management Project

Supply of all labour, plant, materials, transport, equipment, supervision and project management to complete the MAC Surplus Water Management Project.
The Works include the supply and site installation of the Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Works, with the main components being:
- 35km of HDPE pipe ranging from DN710 to DN315, with a significant proportion to be buried.
- Inpit and expit bore pumps, diesel gensets and headworks, incl two in-pit trailer mounted dewatering units.
- Two new electrically driven transfer pump stations and associated concrete / civil works.
- Two diesel driven transfer pumps with solar powered control panels.
- Two large water storage tanks and associated concrete / civil works.
- A number of MAR bores with solar powered control panels.
- A range of HDPE and steel fittings & assemblies.
- All associated air release, isolation and non-return valves.
- Several detailed civil structures and below ground works.
- All associated civil and concrete works, including land clearing, trenching, backfilling and compaction.
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