
RIO TINTO : Marandoo Pit Seepage Collection


Supply of all labour, plant, materials, transport, equipment, supervision and project management to complete the Pit Seepage Collection System.



Supply of all labour, plant, materials, transport, equipment, supervision and project management to complete the Pit Seepage Collection System.


The works included the site installation of the mechanical, civil & electrical works, with the main components being:

  • Install of 7.5km of HDPE DN355;
  • Civil works on the running board including the seepage collection trench and Airwell pump sumps;
  • 15 Airwell pumps and associated infrastructure including solar controllers, compressor station, water and air lines, flow meter, control valve, and all other ancillaries;
  • Lined turkeys’ nest and associated infrastructure;
  • Pump station and ancillary equipment to tie into the adjacent DN355 HDPE sump pipeline including valving and instrumentation; and
  • Generator and load bank to power both the Airwell compressor and transfer pumps, first fills.
  • Electrical, control and communications items including:
  • Programming and integration of PLC, Citect and telemetry;
  • Cable, cable infrastructure and accessories.
Map of Australia

Located In  
Western Australia
Brisbane Queensland